Referral to a specialist for symptoms of stomach cancer

Your GP should arrange for you to see a specialist if you have symptoms that could be due to stomach cancer. Or they might refer you straight to hospital for a test to look inside your stomach (gastroscopy). Depending on your symptoms and other factors, this might be an urgent suspected cancer referral.

You will see a specialist or have tests as soon as possible. Ask your GP when this is likely to be. 

Seeing your GP

It can be hard for GPs to decide who may have stomach (gastric) cancer and who might have a more minor condition. For some symptoms, your doctor may ask you to wait to see if the symptoms get better or respond to treatment, such as antacids or antibiotics.

There are guidelines for GPs to help them decide who needs an urgent referral.

UK referral guidelines

There are guidelines for GPs to help them decide who needs an urgent referral. These vary slightly between the different UK nations. Your GP will use these guidelines as well as their own experience and judgement.

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland

You should have an urgent referral to a specialist if you have:

  • a lump or swelling in your tummy (abdomen) that could be stomach cancer.

Your doctor should refer you for an urgent gastroscopy if you have: 

  • difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)

Or you are aged 55 or over, and have lost weight and have one or more of the following: 

  • upper tummy pain 
  • stomach acid travelling up towards the throat (acid reflux)
  • indigestion (dyspepsia)

In Scotland

In Scotland, the guidance groups together the symptoms of:

  • stomach cancer
  • cancer of the food pipe (oesophagus) 

You should have an urgent referral to a specialist if you have difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing

Or you should have an urgent referral if you have unexplained weight loss, particularly if you are 55 or over and have one or more of the following:

  • upper tummy pain that is new or getting worse
  • unexplained low iron levels in your blood (anaemia)
  • stomach acid travelling up towards the throat (acid reflux)
  • indigestion (dyspepsia) that does not get better with treatment
  • vomiting

You should see a specialist if you have vomiting that is new and has continued for more than 2 weeks

Remember, these symptoms can be caused by other conditions, and do not necessarily mean that you have stomach cancer. But it is important to get them checked out.

Non urgent referral

Your GP might refer you for a non urgent gastroscopy, depending on what symptoms you have. There are some non urgent referral guidelines. These vary slightly between the different UK nations. Your GP can tell you more about this.

Other symptoms

Your GP will consider any other symptoms that you are having, so do mention these. They might also take into account whether you have any risk factors that affect your chances of developing stomach cancer.

If you're still worried

Sometimes you might feel that your GP is not concerned enough about your symptoms. If you think they should be more concerned, print this page and the symptoms page. Ask your GP to explain why they don’t think you need a referral. 

Contact your GP again if your symptoms don't get better or you notice any new or unusual symptoms.

What should you do if you don’t get an appointment?

If your GP has referred you to a specialist, ask them when you should get your appointment. Contact them again if you don’t get one. Or some hospitals have a referral service you could try contacting if you know which hospital you are going to. Explain that you are waiting for an urgent suspected cancer referral.

Waiting times

Your hospital is working towards waiting time targets. For example, a target to find out whether you have cancer or not. And there are targets to start treatment if you are diagnosed with cancer. These are slightly different depending on where you live in the UK.

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