Getting diagnosed with stomach cancer

Some people start by seeing their GP if they have symptoms that could be due to cancer. The GP examines you and might refer you for tests or to a specialist. Some people are diagnosed with stomach cancer after they become unwell and go to accident and emergency (A&E).

Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms including what they are, when you get them and whether anything you do makes them better or worse.

They will decide whether to refer you for tests or to a specialist. If you have a cancer you will have more tests to find out how big it is and whether it has spread. This is called staging. 

Seeing your GP when you have symptoms of stomach cancer

See your GP if you notice a change that isn't normal for you or if you have any of the possible signs and symptoms of stomach cancer.

Referral to a specialist for symptoms of stomach cancer

Your GP should refer you to a specialist or to have tests if your symptoms could be due to stomach cancer.

Screening for stomach cancer

There is no national screening programme for stomach cancer in the UK. But you may have tests or treatment if you are at an increased risk of developing it.

Tests for stomach cancer

You have a number of tests to help diagnose stomach cancer, see how big the cancer is and whether it has spread (the stage). This helps your doctor decide what treatment you need. 

Last reviewed: 
17 Feb 2025
Next review due: 
17 Feb 2028