Symptoms of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Many people with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) won't have any symptoms at all. They are diagnosed because they have a routine blood test for something else.
In CML symptoms tend to be mild at first and get worse slowly. Many of the symptoms listed below occur in CML but are more likely to be caused by other illnesses.
As the number of abnormal rise, you may pick up infections more easily. This is because the abnormal white blood cells cannot fight off infection as well as healthy ones.
It is common for people with CML to feel very tired. This is because your bone marrow isn't able to make enough red blood cells. They are crowded out by the large numbers of abnormal white blood cells. A shortage of red blood cells is called anaemia. This can make you feel breathless and tired.
Low levels of platelets in the blood can cause bleeding or bruising. You may find that you bruise more easily than usual or with no obvious cause. You may also have bleeding from the gums or nose. More rarely people notice a fine rash of dark red spots (called purpura).
The spleen is an organ on the left side of your tummy (abdomen), just under your ribs. It can become swollen and larger than normal. This can cause discomfort or pain in your tummy (abdomen). Your doctor may be able to feel your enlarged spleen.
In CML, abnormal white blood cells can also collect in the lymph glands. This may cause swollen lymph nodes.
Some people gradually lose their appetite. This can be due to the swollen spleen pressing on the stomach.
CML can use up energy that your body would otherwise use or store. So you may lose weight, even if you think you are eating normally.
You might feel full more quickly than usual if you have a swollen spleen and it is squashing your stomach. This may make you eat less and lose weight.
Some people have sudden onsets of a high temperature (fever) and sweating. This can occur more often at night.
If you have a very high white blood cell count, the extra cells can clog the smallest blood vessels in the brain. This can cause headaches in some people.
Sometimes you may get aches in your bones. This is because there are leukaemia cells building up in the bone marrow, increasing pressure on nerves and causing pain.
Less common symptoms
These symptoms may occur but are usually in the later stages of CML.
If you have a very high white blood cell count, the extra cells can clog the smallest blood vessels in the eyes. This may cause eye problems.
Some people get swollen joints due to a build up of body salts in the tissues.
Doctors call this priapism. It is a rare symptom. Priapism is an erection that won't go down and can become very painful. It is caused by the abnormally high number of white blood cells in the blood blocking up tiny blood vessels in the penis.
A priapism is an emergency. If you have persistent painful erection then you need medical attention. An erection that lasts too long can cause permanent damage to the penis.