Research into testicular cancer

Researchers around the world are looking at better ways to diagnose and treat testicular cancer. 

Go to Cancer Research UK’s clinical trials database if you are looking for a trial for testicular cancer in the UK. You need to talk to your specialist if there are any trials that you think you might be able to take part in.

Some of the trials on this page have now stopped recruiting people. It takes time before the results are available. This is because the trial team follow the patients for a period of time and collect and analyse the results.

We have included information about these ongoing trials. This is to give examples of the type of research being carried out.

Research and clinical trials

All cancer treatments must be fully researched before they can be used for everyone. This is so we can be sure that:

  • they work

  • they work better than the treatments already available

  • they are safe

To make sure the research is accurate, each trial has certain entry conditions for who can take part. These are different for each trial.

Hospitals do not take part in every clinical trial. Some trials are only done in a small number of hospitals, or in one area of the country. You may need to travel quite far if you take part in these trials. 

Research into the causes of testicular cancer


Biomarkers are substances that doctors can measure in the body. They might help us understand more about cancer and why it develops.

Researchers looking for biomarkers for testicular cancer want to:

  • learn more about the causes of cancer
  • develop better tests and treatments 

Research into the treatment of testicular cancer

Researchers are looking at ways of improving testicular cancer treatment. This includes trials looking at:

  • the timing of chemotherapy 
  • different doses of chemotherapy
  • different drug combinations
  • surgery

Chemotherapy timing

A common chemotherapy treatment for testicular cancer is BEP (bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin). You usually have this every 3 weeks. Doctors think you might be able to have chemotherapy more often. They want to find out if you can have BEP every 2 weeks and:

  • if the treatment works better
  • if there are fewer side effects 
  • how it affects quality of life Open a glossary item

High dose chemotherapy

If your cancer comes back or gets worse after your first treatment, your doctor might suggest:

  • standard dose chemotherapy
  • high dose chemotherapy followed by a stem cell transplant

Doctors aren’t sure which treatment works best. So there is a clinical trial comparing these treatments. 

Different drug combinations

You usually have more chemotherapy if your cancer comes back. Researchers are looking at different combinations of chemotherapy drugs. They want to find out which combination works better and has fewer side effects.


Sentinel lymph nodes are the first lymph node Open a glossary item or nodes that a cancer may spread to. Some people with testicular cancer have surgery to remove lymph nodes in the tummy. This is called a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. People usually have side effects after this surgery. 

Removing the sentinel lymph node or nodes is used for some other cancer types. Researchers in Europe are looking at whether this type of surgery could be used for testicular cancer. And if people have fewer side effects after surgery. 

Research into tests

Tumour markers

In a trial comparing different drug combinations, doctors are also looking at a new tumour marker Open a glossary item. This new tumour marker is microRNA. Doctors want to find out if is better than current tumour markers and if it can tell:

  • whether the cancer is coming back
  • how well treatment is working

Research into follow up after testicular cancer treatment

CT scans after treatment

Treatment cures many people with testicular cancer. But cancer comes back (recurs) in a small number of people after treatment.

If the testicular cancer comes back, it is still possible to treat and cure it. But the chances of a cure are better if it is found as early as possible. Doctors think that occasional CT scans may be helpful.

Researchers are following people who had testicular cancer treatment over 5 years ago. They want to find out:

  • how often cancer comes back
  • if CT scans pick up recurrent cancers earlier than normal follow up appointments
  • Meta-analysis of five genome-wide association studies identifies multiple new loci associated with testicular germ cell tumor
    Z Wang and others
    Nature Genetics, 2017, 49 pages 1141 - 1147

  • Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Database
    Accessed February 2025 

  • Clinical database

    Accessed, February 2025 

  • EAU Guidelines on Testicular Cancer

    D Nicol and others

    European Association of Urology, 2024

Last reviewed: 
17 Feb 2025
Next review due: 
17 Feb 2028

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