Eye cancer resources and organisations
Cancer Research UK is the largest cancer research organisation in the world outside the USA. We fund research on all aspects of cancer from its causes to prevention and treatment.
We are committed to producing high quality information for people affected by cancer. As well as looking at the information on this website you can call our nurse freephone helpline on 0808 800 4040. They are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can send them a question online.
Cancer Chat is our online forum where you can share experiences.
UK eye cancer support organisations
A UK charity for families and people affected by retinoblastoma. It offers support and information, funds research and raises public awareness of this rare cancer.
The Royal London Hospital
Whitechapel Road
London E1 1BB
Tel: 020 7377 5578 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Email: info@chect.org.uk
A UK support charity for people with ocular melanoma.
PO Box 6136
Helpline: 0300 790 0512 (Monday to Friday 10am to 7pm)
Email: helpline@omuk.org
General support organisations
Macmillan Cancer Support is a charity that gives practical, medical and financial support to people with cancer in the UK. Its helpline gives guidance on cancer and advice on benefits. It also publishes booklets about cancer and treatments. Information is available in other languages.
Freephone: 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am to 8pm)
Contact email form
The Melanoma Focus Helpline is a confidential service for anyone in the UK who has a question about any aspect of melanoma.
The helpline is staffed by nurses and is open: 1-2pm and 7-9pm Monday to Friday, and 7-9pm on Sunday.
Helpline: 0808 801 0777
The Rare Cancer Alliance offer support and information to people affected by rare cancers. It has a forum where you might be able to meet others with the same cancer as you.
Organisations for problems with eyesight
The Guide dogs website provides information about guide dogs, mobility and other rehabilitation services that meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people.
LOOK supports visually impaired young people to thrive. They are the leading mentoring organisation in the UK for visually impaired young people.
Lost eye is an American website and discussion forum. It is a completely free, noncommercial website for the information and support of people who have recently lost an eye, or who may lose an eye due to surgery, injury or disease. You can get help, support and tips from people who have adjusted to losing an eye. As it is an American site some of the issues are not relevant to the UK.
The Macular Society is a self help society for people with eye conditions called Macular Disease. They are dedicated to providing information and practical support to help people with poor vision make the most of their remaining sight.
221 Bristol Avenue
Helpline: 01253 951131
Website: www.naes.nhs.uk
Contact form
The National Artificial Eye Service is part of the NHS. They supply and fit artificial eyes, as well as checking the artificial eyes for people who wear one. Their website includes information about how your artificial eye is fitted and caring for your eye afterwards. They also have a helpline.
The RNIB is the UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to people with sight problems. They have detailed information to help anyone with a sight problem. Services include Braille, Talking Book and computer training, and imaginative and practical solutions to everyday challenges. They also run a national library service providing books and information services for visually impaired people.
RNIB Newsagent
RNIB Newsagent has more than 200 national newspapers and magazines for visually impaired and disabled people. They offer subscribers a choice of formats including CD's, USB sticks and digital downloads through their website.
TAVIP (Technology Association of Visually Impaired people) is a charity registered in Scotland that provides services and welcomes members from the whole of the UK. TAVIP promotes, supports and encourages the use of technology amongst blind and partially sighted people.
Organisations giving help with facial changes
Changing Faces provide support and information for people who have any form of facial disfigurement including disfigurement caused by cancer. They also provide a skin camouflage service for people in England and Scotland. Trained volunteers teach people how to apply specialist cover creams.
Phone: 0300 0120 275 (support and advice line)
Head office email: info@changingfaces.org.uk
The contact details for the skin camouflage service are:
Phone: 0300 0120 276
Email: skincam@changingfaces.org.uk
This UK organisation for people with facial disfigurement offers:
- telephone support
- a service to link up people in similar situations
- dietary and medical advice
- social activities
- resources and a newsletter
Saving Faces is funding education and research to improve medical treatment and support for people after facial surgery.
Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone who has been in a similar situation. Saving Faces can put you in touch with other people who have had facial surgery.
Phone: 020 3417 7757
Email: info@savingfaces.co.uk
Booklets and fact sheets
From Macmillan Cancer Support
Understanding head and neck cancer
Healthy eating and cancer
Coping with advanced cancer
Managing cancer pain
Managing the symptoms of cancer
Talking with someone who has cancer
Cancer and your sex life
Understanding chemotherapy
Understanding radiotherapy
Coping with hair loss
Coping with fatigue (tiredness)
How are you feeling? - The emotional effects of cancer
Talking to children and teenagers when an adult has cancer
Talking about your cancer
From the Royal Marsden Hospital Trust
Clinical trials
Your operations and anaesthetic
After treatment
These booklets can be downloaded from the Royal Marsden website.