Resources and support

There are lots of organisations, support groups and helpful books to help you cope with symptoms and side effects caused by cancer and its treatment.

Cancer Research UK is the largest cancer research organisation in the world outside the USA. We fund research on all aspects of cancer from its causes to prevention and treatment.

We are committed to producing high quality information for people affected by cancer. As well as looking at the information on this website you can call our nurse freephone helpline on 0808 800 4040. They are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Or you can send them a question online.

Cancer Chat is our online forum where you can share experiences.

General support organisations

Organisations that provide equipment

You can borrow toileting aids or a wheelchair short term from The British Red Cross. This might be for free, or they may ask for a donation in your area.

There are many commercial companies that sell equipment online, via catalogues or in shops. Here are some tips when shopping around:

Ask an occupational therapist what they think might be best to meet your needs – your Nurse Specialist, district nurse or GP can refer you to an occupational therapist if you don’t have one

Compare prices between different companies

Check if you can return the item if it’s not exactly what you are looking for (this is usually if it is unused and in its original packaging)

Look for a number to call if you are unsure about how to safely fit or use the equipment

Specific symptoms organisations

Organisations that can help with issues of sex and sexuality

Books from libraries, bookshops or online booksellers

Books and booklets about sex and cancer

Last reviewed: 
18 May 2023
Next review due: 
18 May 2026

Related links